Saturday, May 9, 2015

Welcome Whovians!

If you're new to this site (which you probably are, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this), this site is all about reviews that we've given to Doctor Who episodes, both Classic and New. It also contains news about recent events concerning the show, both in-universe and out of it and topics which we think are interesting to analyse. We pride ourselves in being reliable sources, and we try to keep stuff as fresh as possible, and as detailed as is possible.

Now, there's a few things you should know about us:

  • -  We don't like to swear. We aren't racist, sexist or homophobic and we do NOT under any circumstances tolerate those types of comments. If you are any of those things, then please keep that to yourself.

  • -  Some of us are 'Classic Who' fans, while others like 'New Who'.

  • -  We are Whovians, not those people calling themselves 'Dweeks'.

  • -  We do have favourite Doctors, we just try to not have that effect our opinion of the episode. After all, every Doctor has his bad day.

  • -  We accept the fact that you may have a different opinion to ours. That's ok, we accept that. We just try and cater to the majority. Please don't hate us for it.

  • -  If you know us out of this blog, good for you. If you're going to try and contact us, please don't be creepy about it. We're creepy enough.

  • -  We don't live in our mother's basements, contantly updating this site. We have these things called lives. We either go to school or have jobs, or both. We are just fans of the show, and would like to share that with the world.

  • -  Some of us collect the merchandise. Get over it.

  • -  We're not perfect. We can make mistakes. We're only humans. So nerrrrr!

  • -  We read sites and the Doctor Who Magazine. We have to sometimes get our information through other sites and people. Whoopdy-do.

    So there you are. You know about us, and what we do. So, if you continue to the main site, please enjoy!